How we handle incidents at Getaround

April 05, 2021 – Miguel Torres 6-minute read

At Getaround, like at any other company, we sometimes experience incidents that negatively affect our product.

A couple of weeks ago from the time of writing, I released a feature that contained a seemingly harmless SQL query that returned the total balance of a user. This calculation was previously made on the fly with Ruby every time a user loaded a page where this was needed. This was particularly problematic with owners that had many cars and the query was slow to load, sometimes causing timeouts. So the commit that I had deployed was meant to counter this problem by using a table that was built exactly for this purpose. Instead, it brought the CPU utilisation to go over 90% and slowed down all database queries, causing timeouts all over the site

Finding out and responding

We use Grafana for monitoring, and we use a Slack webhook integration that let us know when certain events happen. In this case, 13 minutes after my code was live, we get a notification on Slack on a dedicated channel letting us know that there is a problem

Automated Slack alert to let the team know there is a problem

After looking at the CPU utilization graph and some further investigation, my commit is rolled back.

Red dotted line just before 15:30 indicates the faulty deploy

Despite the rollback, MySQL was still busy running the existing queries and the CPU utilization did not diminish, but after a couple of back and forth, and communicating with the rest of the company what was going on in the perfectly named #war-room channel in Slack, the issue was under control in less than an hour 🎉

Red dotted line just before 15:30 indicates the faulty deploy

After the incident

At Getaround we keep a record of all the technical incidents that have happened, and each entry on the list contains a couple of things:

  • A description of the problem
  • The timeline of events
  • The root cause

This is also called a Postmortem and it is an important step after an incident. The goal being to be able to share knowledge with your colleagues and try to prevent it from happening in the future as much as we can, all while acknowledging that incident are a normal part of software development. It is essential that a blameless culture exists in the company in order to be able for everyone to write in detail freely about what went wrong so we can learn from our mistakes. The Post mortem for this incident in particular would look similar to this:

Post Mortem Example


15:24 - A release was made containing the commit which included the slow query

15:37 - Team was alerted on Slack about about a high CPU load

15:44 - The team identified the issue (high CPU load) to be related with the release at 15:24

15:46 - Commit rolled back

15:52 - After noticing that the CPU usage does not decrease, even after the rollback, it is identified that the db is still busy running the queries that it had enqueued

16:00 - Incident opened in New Relic (monitoring tool used at Getaround)

16:15 - Command launched to kill lingering db queries

16:23 - CPU load back to normal

23:48 - Incident on New Relic closed


User searches started timing out and there was an uptick of incidents on Bugsnag

What caused the incident

The combination of an underperforming query and the fact that it was a query used across many different placed caused the overload.

The offending code was:

  .where(entity_type: 'User')
  .where(target_type: 'User')
  .where(entity_id: user_id)
  .group(:country, :entity_id)

The problem was is not obvious at first, but after trying to understand what the query was doing with EXPLAIN it turns out that the query was not fully taking advantage of all of the indexes that we had in place, which means it scanned way more columns than it needed to. After the query was optimised to take advantage of the indexes, the number of examined rows returned by running EXPLAIN came down from 3468 to 4. So… yeah, big improvement.

Although we are able to objectively point towards the code that caused the incident, there are also other, more subtle factors that contributed for this code to be overlooked and committed. For example:

  1. This query is only used in the back office used only by administrators, where the volume is not as high as production and performance is not as big of a concern as it can be for other user facing code
  2. The table used (Balances) was born as an attempt to speed up balance calculations, since previously balances were calculated every single time, and it was assumed that the fact that we were replacing a long ruby calculation with a SQL query would inherently be a performance boost


The rollback of the offending code caused the queries to stop enqueuing themselves on an already stressed database and the killing of lingering processes managed to solve the incident completely. After finding the ids of the processes to kill, the following command was executed:

cat ~/Downloads/ids-to-kill | while read -r a; do echo $a |  mysql --user <USER>  --host <HOST> --password=<PASSWORD> ; done

Permanent solution

After finding out that using a where condition for entities was an overkill, the query was rewritten to take advantage on the existing indexes and a promising indicator that it was a good solution was that the rows to be examined dropped from 3468 to only 4

Lessons learned and possible action items

  • Even for “low volume” queries (i.e. queries used only in admin), it is very important to make sure that queries are performant
  • Tweak the internal Developer’s Checklist and/or the PR draft document to include soft reminders to think about performance. (For example: Running explain to new queries and scan through the output or Making sure that the queries used can leverage on existing indexes or create new ones if they don’t exist and will be heavily read

In the original Post-Mortem I added the links to relevant places like the Slack, or the New Relic incident link, but in this public version I’ll omit some of them 😬

First dotted line just before 15:30 indicates the faulty commit deploy and the one at 15:50 is the rollback deploy
Search Controller response time during the incident


Postmortems are a great practice that help make the best out of bad situations when they happen, since incidents are not a matter of wether they will happen, but of when they will happen, and the best way to minimize the potential negative impact is for the team to be aware of potential pitfalls, this requires that everyone can feel free to go into detail about how their actions led to an undesirable outcome.

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