Android Makers is the biggest Android event in France, it occurred last month in Paris. It’s always a great time to connect and learn from the Android community. For this first edition, a lot of great speakers from all around the world were in Paris. This post is not intended to dive into the details of each conference, but more about an overview, giving you enough insights to chose the right conference to playback.
Our friends at Octo talked about how they improved compilation time, test time and how to better split your app into reusable components.
They worked on the Meetic app, if you work on a big app or on multiple apps for the same company, you certainly faced the same kind of issue:
They finally split the app into modules:
Octo again, on how they applied the principle of Uncle Bob’s clean architecture on Android.
By splitting the responsibility of each layer of your app, you improve the testability and flexibility.
Virtuo is a new generation car rental agency. Your smartphone replaces the old rental agency.
The main feature of the app is to be the virtual key responsible to open the car. As the cars can be parked in an underground parking, the app must work offline.
and max-stale
to fine tune your client cacheWhile I would prefer more conferences about UX and UI at Android Makers, this one by the co-founder of Fabulous was really great!
The particularity of Fabulous: be Android first. Why? There are a lot more users on Android, and they are willing to pay for great experiences.
To achieve such a great experience means that the whole company must be sensible to design and user experience.
All computer scientists knows that naming things is hard. As your app grows, assets multiplies and it can quickly becomes a mess if you don’t follow strict naming rule. Jeroen Mols, from Philips Hue, suggests this simple pattern:
For example:
for activities layoutslinearlyaout_main_fragmentcontainer
for viewsall_infoicon_small
for drawablesIt makes everything clear!
Keep your tests clean! When using Espresso, UI tests look like this:
public void autoCompleteTextView_clickAndCheck() {
// Type text into the text view
.perform(typeTextIntoFocusedView("South "), closeSoftKeyboard());
// Tap on a suggestion.
onView(withText("South China Sea"))
// By clicking on the auto complete term, the text should be filled in.
.check(matches(withText("South China Sea")));
With PageObject Pattern, it’ll look like this:
public void autoCompleteTextView_clickAndCheck() {
SearchScreen searchScreen = new SearchScreen();
searchScreen.givenKeyword("South ")
.tapOn("South China Sea")
.assertTextMatches(""South China Sea");
It’s easier to read, reuse and maintain!
Ty Smith from Uber reminds us that a good user experience also consist in a deep system integration. It’s not only about having a UI, but also about using right system APIs such as:
Pro Tip: You can listen for INSTALL_REFERRER
broadcast to show the relevant screen after an install!
A lot of great talks for this first Android Makers conference in Paris. It’s always a pleasure to learn from other developers and other people in the industry. It’s also a great moment to meet passionate people and to connect with others at the after-hours events. See you next year!